Where There is Smoke… There are Fire Dampers

U.S. Fire Damages In 2019, United States fires accounted for $14.8 billion in direct dollars loss, 16,000 injuries, and 3,704 deaths. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), “U.S. fire statistics”, reported 1,291,500 fires for that same year. Overall, the USFA estimated 354,000 incidents were residential building fires and 110,000 …

The Versatility of Variable Force Springs in the POP Industry

Let’s talk about another very popular flat steel spring design—variable force springs, also known as v-springs or variable tension springs. These springs are quite prevalent in the Point-of-Purchase, or POP, industry, especially in pusher trays and feed displays. V-springs deliver variable force to precisely match increasing or decreasing force requirements. This pushes products forward toward the front of the display either horizontally, …

Flat Steel Springs – Too Cool for School?

We hear from a lot of engineers that they learned a good deal about round wire design theory in school but not much about flat springs. Why is that? Who determined that flat springs aren’t interesting or cool enough?   Considering the multitude of industries and products that utilize these types of springs, we think they are not …

surgical stapler in surgery

How a Consultative Approach to Developing Springs Increases Surgical Stapler Safety

If you work for a medical device company that offers surgical staplers within its portfolio, you understand that the global increase in laparoscopic surgeries is leading to a greater dependence on surgical staples. Close to $2 billion worth of surgical stapling devices were sold in the world in 2016, and revenues are expected to double …

Robot Makers Rule

We are excited to have Molly Dugan, a high school student and president of team 1218, for a short time working at Vulcan Spring to complete her senior project.  As sponsors of the FIRST Robotics, we are thrilled to have the chance to work with her and asked her to give us her unique perspective …

contorque spring

How to Utilize Vulcan’s Stock Constant Torque Springs

Vulcan Spring has just introduced a line of stock constant torque springs.  We call this our Contorque® spring.  In this blog, we will give some details on how to use these springs in your design.  Contorque® springs have been discussed in previous blogs, so this blog will focus on the installation and use of the …

pre-winding power springs

­Pre-Winding Power Springs

Power Springs are used to create a compact power source in applications that require counterbalancing, sometimes through a cable/cord retraction mechanism. The small size and rotational output of Power Springs make them fantastic options for manufacturers and engineers. Vulcan’s Conpower Springs are pre-stressed, producing a flatter torque profile than conventional Power Springs. When a project …

man working with metal pipes

Constant Force Springs Explained

What differentiates the constant force spring from the conventional extension and compression (round wire) spring? Hooke’s Law states that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the load applied to it. Therefore, the further an extension spring is extended, the greater the force.